Amaize Sweet Corn is Available from June to September.
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Our Sweet History

Amaize Sweet Corn is a natural breed of white sweet corn noted for its delicious taste, unique texture and incredible sweetness.


Amaize sweet corn is the brain child of George Crookham and Bruce Hobdey. The pair began working on perfecting the taste and texture of Amaize sweet corn in 1989 after experiencing a type of corn with a crunch and a pop that differentiated itself from the textures of other corns, which tended to get mushy when cooked. In the 22 year development period, the duo tested well over 10,000 variations of corn and perfected the best sweet corn you'll ever taste – Amaize sweet corn!

Our Non-GMO Promise

Amaize sweet corn is bred using traditional methods through hybridization and is not genetically modified. Amaize is grown locally using conventional farming methods. Amaize is available in white and bi-color, depending on your location across the country.

"Amaize is my life's work. I have tasted over 50,000 ears of corn over 40 years and together with my breeding partner, Bruce Hobdey, pursued an insatiable quest for sweet corn perfection! Amaize is hands-down the best sweet corn ever. And now, we want to share our discovery with the rest of the world!"

George Crookham, CEO of Crookham Company